Frequently asked questions

What is the license term period?

GPStamper licenses are perpetual, and authorize the licensee to use the software indefinitely.

Is this website the only authorized source of GPStamper?

Yes. Please do not download outdated and unauthorized redistributions from other sources. They will not work and may be unsafe.

Why does Windows display a security warning during installation?

GPStamper is no longer being digitally signed. Signed for some years with an OV code signing certificate, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen would still present a warning dialog during installation, making it essentially useless for me to continue to pay for it annually.

Code signing certificates only assure you of the software’s author, and do not guarantee that the software is free of malware, viruses, spyware, ransomware, unwanted third-party software or advertising.

GPStamper is 100% safe when downloaded from this website, and is free of all of these risks.

D-U-N-S® Number Lookup
Legal Business Name: Lee, Michael G   State & Country: Wisconsin, U.S.

Are any other programs installed during GPStamper setup?

No. GPStamper setup is minimally intrusive on your system, and is limited to primarily copying files to the GPStamper program folder and creating several shortcuts. GPStamper’s sole purpose is for working with, and captioning, geotagged photos.

Has GPStamper really been around since 2007?

Yes, since the year the first iPhone was introduced, and which did not yet incorporate GPS capabilities. I saw that one day all phones would, and that everyone would be able to take photos which included precise location information that could be captioned directly onto the photos.

What is your privacy policy?

Please visit the privacy page for complete information.

I still have an unanswered question. What can I do?

Please contact me. I am always happy to answer any questions you may have.